Attendance Matters

Weekly Tips for Students on Increasing Attendance and Academic Success

Week 1: Setting the Stage for Success

  • Tip: Start your week by preparing your school bag and outfit the night before. This small step helps avoid morning rushes and ensures you arrive on time.

  • Why It Matters: Being prepared reduces stress and helps you focus on learning from the moment you step into class.

Week 2: Importance of Routine

  • Tip: Establish a consistent bedtime and morning routine that includes a set time for homework, relaxation, and sleep.

  • Why It Matters: A regular routine improves sleep quality, which is crucial for memory and learning.

Week 3: Engage Actively in Class

  • Tip: Make it a goal to ask or answer at least one question in each class session.

  • Why It Matters: Engaging in class helps you better understand the material and signals to your teacher that you are interested and involved.

Contact Info

Melissa King/ District Director of Student Accountability
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